It All Starts With The Harvest

First we meticulously select only the best free naturally grown agaves in the hillsides of our lands. Once they are ready the leaves are carefully removed, since part of our final flavors depend on this process. We then, transport the hearts of the plants to our palenque.

Then We Cook

The agave hearts are placed in massive underground pit ovens at the exact moment so that a perfect cooking can be obtained. It is there where our Mezcales obtain their distinctive smoky flavors.

With patience, our agave hearts remain buried between 5-7 days before they are ready. After uncovering them, we proceed to milling.

Tirelessly Milling

The sweet well cooked agaves are now transferred to our round-stone pit with traditional tahona. The crushing process begins and continues for several hours until turning them into an easy-to-squeeze pulp to extract the maximum of their juice which will be later fermented.

Tasty Fermentation

A large wooden Firmentation pot with a stirring stick resting on top of the fibers of the agave hearts.

Following the milling process, the mashed agaves are put into wooden vats, where later spring water is added. Natural fermentation allows microorganisms to act freely and break down carbohydrates into ethyl alcohol. It will take between 5-8 days (depending on the season)until it is ready to be distilled.

Worker in a smokey area, wearing a straw sun hat braching himself with one ar firmly & leaning over a massive fermentation pot stirring the pressed agave hearts. A pitchfork rests on the fibers within the fermentation pot.

First Distillation

near Sepia looking dark photo of a worker distilling Mezcal. outside of the distillary shines a bright washed out green scenery of trees and brush. photo but washed out

The fermented agave pulp is heated in copper pot stills. It evaporates and slowly condenses through a coil that deposits the liquid in a container; watched carefully by the maestro mezcalero and making sure it is cut at the exact time.

Then A Second Distillation

Once all the agave pulp is distilled. The different parts of the mezcal obtained will be distilled for a second time, to refine the final product.

The result is a unique Mezcal with aromas and flavors that are truly special ready to be bottled for our consumers whom will enjoy the different nuances of the final product.